Monday, 24 November 2008

The end of controil?

Hannah Rudman's presentation is called "The end of control? Writing Re:Connected"
She's talking about the wider connections between the arts and digital.

Key themes around Web 2.0, the move to mobile, better broadband - mobile devices containing massive terrabytes of information in the future. Too many noughts for me!

She talks about "cultural behaviour" - what you can do with these devices. Quotes Eric Schmidt of Google, "you could only watch tv on a tv" - in other words the consumer is king, and will choose what they want to do.

Quoting Charles Leadbetter's "We-Think" ( - as proof that the audience has already evolved - is already creating and distributing content. His book was co-written online, but the "ideas" have real traction - an example of a true knowledge economy - the value is in the ideas. Surely an important lesson for the creative sector?

Screenshots inc. an art gallery in Second Life, Grand Theft Auto 4 being increasingly being played online "together", CBS Social Viewing Room, chatting about television, and an online soap opera in the US called "The Hill" where you can chat back at the tv. Strange, I just wrote a story about a future soap opera which is user generated.

Now on to Faintheart - Vito Rocco's Brit comedy - script ideas and casting came through Myspace. Not sure if that was a West Midlands dig! (You had to be here.) I never remember any battle reenactors when I lived in the Midlands, people were too busy going to car boot sales.

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